

We'll help you get there!

Dial a Lift (DAL) is a transport option for individuals living in rural areas.

Transport to hospital and health related appointments.

For people with disability living in Omagh and Strabane towns.

Small Rural Groups (16 passengers or less) can avail of our Group Hire Service.

Easilink Community Transport is an independent charity managed by a voluntary Board

We provide a transport option to rural dwellers across the Omagh, Strabane & Foyle areas who have difficulty or are unable to access public transport, and who do not have access to private transport.


Active Individual members in 23/24
Individual Passenger Trips in 23/24
Trips Delivered by Volunteer Car Drivers
Trips Delivered for Local Community Groups
registered Volunteer Car Scheme drivers

Join us as a

Volunteer driver

Volunteers play a key role in all aspects of Rural Transport, with a distinctive but complementary role alongside paid staff.
We are currently recruiting for volunteers in; 

Bookings must be made at least 2 working days before the day of travel.
Booking lines are open from 9am – 1pm, Monday – Friday.

Make an enquiry

let us know how we can help

For all Bookings and Enquiries:

028 71883282

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